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But I poop from there audio

Have you ever come ⁤across the infamous “But I poop from there” audio clip? This audio clip gained‍ popularity on the ⁣internet for its absurdity ‍and hilarity. It features a woman defending herself during a sexual⁢ encounter with the now iconic‍ line, “But I ‌poop from there!” The ⁣audio clip has‍ been remixed and shared countless times, becoming a ⁤viral sensation.

The “But I poop from there” ⁤audio clip has become a popular​ meme in​ online communities, ⁢with people frequently referencing it⁣ in various ⁣contexts. ​The sheer ⁤absurdity of the‍ statement, combined with the woman’s passionate ⁤delivery, has‌ made it a‌ memorable and oft-quoted moment in internet culture. The ​audio clip has⁢ sparked numerous remixes, memes, and parodies,‍ further solidifying its place in‍ internet lore.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the “But I⁤ poop from there” audio clip is how⁤ it has transcended its original‍ context and taken on a ​life​ of its own. Despite its origins in a private, intimate moment,​ the clip has⁢ become​ a public spectacle, with people‍ around the world sharing and enjoying ​it. The sheer absurdity of the woman’s statement, coupled with the passionate ​delivery, has made it a timeless piece of internet culture ⁢that continues to entertain ⁤and amuse.

The popularity of the “But I⁣ poop from there” audio clip also⁢ speaks ⁣to the power of viral content in the⁢ digital age. In a world ‌where information travels at the speed of⁢ light, ⁢a simple audio clip can quickly become a ⁣global sensation. The viral nature of the⁢ clip⁣ highlights the interconnectedness of online communities and the ability of internet culture ⁢to spread like wildfire. So, next time‍ you come ⁤across‌ the “But I⁣ poop from there” audio clip, remember to enjoy the absurdity and embrace⁣ the humor that ‍it brings.